Chowlur Aqua Farms Limited
Chowlur Aqua Farms Limited


CHOWLUR AQUA FARMS LIMITED has successfully carried out 8 cultures in 20 ponds under the direct supervision and control of the promoters assisted by qualified technical persons having extensive knowledge and expertise in Marine Biology, Aqua culture and Fisheries

Now we hold the license from the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, till August 2013, thereafter renewable for the period of three years each. This was a laurel to our farm as 12 departmental heads submitted the report in our favour including pollution Control Board, Agricultural Department, Fisheries Department, Forest Department, Irrigation and P.W.D etc.

1. We solicit direct enquires from the world wide importers for all kinds of sea food specially for Tiger Shrimps

2. We expect the latest developments in the field of Aqua Culture & report of world production, etc., from institutions and others

3. Prospective Exporters of Aqua Culture equipments such as Aerators, Vinyl basing, Harvesting equipments, etc., may contact us.

4. Feed suppliers, processing equipments suppliers, etc., may respond